August 2019 City Council Meeting

  • Meeting of the : City Council
  • Related Year: 2019
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    A meeting of the Elkins City Council will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 15, 2019 at the City Administration Building


    1. Call to Order
    2. Invocation
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
    4. Roll Call
    5. Approval of
      1. 07/18/2019 Special Meeting Minutes
      2. Approval of 07/18/2019 Minutes
    6. Department Reports
    7. Unfinished Business
      1. Solid Waste Disposal- Discussion
      2. Ordinance No. 8-15-19– Increase Water and Sewer Tap Fee
    8. New Business
        1. Resolution 2019- 10 Agreement for Professional Services- Garver
        2. Resolution 2019- 11 Approval of SRO Contract
        3. Approval of Conditional Use
    9. Committee-of-the-Whole
    10. Adjourn



    City of Elkins, Arkansas City Council Meeting

    TIME:           7:00 p.m.

    DATE:          August 15, 2019

    PLACE:        Elkins City Administration Building, Elkins,     Arkansas

    Present:        Mayor Bruce Ledford, Council Member Lloyd Stith, Council Member Eric

    McGill, Council Member Lindsay Watt, Council Member Matt Francis, and City Attorney Tom Kieklak

    1.           Mayor Bruce Ledford called a City Council Meeting of the City of Elkins at 7:00 p.m.

    2.           J.D. Demotte led the invocation.

    3.           Bryan Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance.

    4.           City Clerk, Delia Foster, took roll: Council Member Lindsay Watt, Council Member Lloyd Stith, Council Member Eric McGill, and Council Member Matt Francis were present. Council Member Jeff Plumlee and Council Member Janet Mott were absent.

    Public Hearing:

    A Public Hearing was held immediately prior to the regular city council meeting. The public hearing was opened and held for the purpose of considering an Ordinance establishing adjusted water and wastewater fees. There were no public comments. The public hearing was then closed by Mayor Ledford.

    5.           Approval of Minutes:

    Approval of July 18, 2019 Special Meeting Minutes:

    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve the special council meeting minutes of July 18, 2019. Council Member Stith seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and ail voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    Approval of July 18, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes:

    Council Member Stith made a motion to approve the regular council meeting minutes of July 18, 2019. Council Member Francis seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    Department Reports:

    Mayor Ledford – City Administration and Water & Sewer Department

    Chief Bryan Watts – Police Department

    Audra Bell – Library

    Chief J.D. DeMotte- Fire Department

    7.            Unfinished Business

    A)     Solid Waste Disposal – Discussion:

    City Attorney Kieklak distributed a proposed Request for Proposal to council members. Council discussed the needs and desires of new solid waste contractor.

    Council Member Stith made a motion to authorize Mayor to request proposals for new solid waste contract. Council Member Francis seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    Motion to Suspend the Rule:

    Council Member Stith made a motion to suspend the rule. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried

    B)     Ordinance No. 8-15-19A – Increase Water and Sewer Tap Fee:

    City Attorney, Tom Kieklak, read Ordinance No. 8-15-19A by title only.

    Council Member Stith made a motion to approve Ordinance 8-15-19A.

    Council Member Watt second the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried

    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve the emergency clause of Ordinance 8-15-19A. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried.

    8.            New Business

    Item D added to New business:

    Council Member Stith made a motion to add Item D to New Business. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    A) Resolution 2019-10: Interlocal Agreement with Garver:

    Council Member Watt made a motion to authorize Mayor to execute an
    agreement with Garver for a preliminary engineering report in accordance with ARNC requirements. Council Member Stith seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    B)          Resolution 2019-11 Approval of SRO Contract:

    Council Member Watt made a motion to approve Resolution 2019-11. Council Member Stith seconded the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried.

    C)          Approval of Conditional Use: 850 Shofner Loop; Theresa Graves Home Daycare:

    Council Member Stith made a motion to approve the conditional use at 850 Shofner Loop for a home daycare. Council Member Francis seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    Motion to Suspend the Rule:

    Council Member Watt made a motion to suspend the rule. Council Member Francis seconded the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried

    D)          Ordinance 08-15-19B – Establishing Standards for Small Wireless Facilities within City of Elkins:

    City Attorney, Tom Kieklak, read Ordinance No. 8-15-19B by title only.

    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve Ordinance 08-15-19B. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried.

    Council Member Watt made a motion to approve the emergency clause of Ordinance 8-15-19B. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried.

    9.           Committee of the Whole:

    A)          Special Council Meeting to be held September 12, 2019 at 6:00 address the Rausch Coleman Master Plan- Planned Utility Design and Approval

    B)          Park Committee will meet 2nd Wednesday of each month in the library at 6:30 p.m.

    10. Adjourn – Council Member Stith made a motion to adjourn at 8:01 p.m. Council Member Watt seconded the motion. A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    Mayor Bruce Ledford City Clerk, Delia Foster

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following City Council meeting.