September 2019 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting

  • Meeting of the : Parks Committee
  • Related Year: 2019
    Back to All Meetings


    1. Call to order

    2. Roll Call

    3. Approval of minutes

    4. Old Business

    a. Term Lengths

    5. New Business

    6. Adjourn


    1. Chair, Alissa Noel, called meeting to order at 6:35 pm

    2. Lindsay Watt, city council member, took roll. Those present included: chairperson Alissa Noel, committee member Emily Kingsbury, committee member Lynn Francis, committee member Amber Widdowson, and committee member LaNae Taylor. One member of the public was also in presence: Linda Smith. Absent committee member was Stephanie Cowan.

    3. Minutes were approved as written from the 7/31/19 meeting.


    a. Drawing of straws to determine committee member term lengths:

    i. Amber Widowson & Emily Kingsbury will be 2-year terms; Lynn Francis, LaNae Tayor & Stephanie Cowan will be 3-year terms.
    ii. Answers to questions from initial meeting and committee foundation were discussed.

    5. New Business:

    a. New questions were raised and logged to be discussed with the city administration.

    i. Chairperson term length and time as chair.
    ii. Park Income/Budget clarifications.
    iii. Maintenance clarifications.
    iv. Concession stand details.
    v. Water Fountain.
    vi. Vending Machine potential.
    vii. Holiday decorations, including lights around Christmas time.
    viii. Park festivals, i.e. movies in the park, concerts, bringing back the 4th on the River, etc.
    ix. Repair needed to concrete bench/picnic tables at Bunch Park.
    x. Potential Repair to concrete due to large crack in pavilion floor at Bunch Park.
    xi. Pavilion repair/painting.

    6. Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 pm

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following Parks Committee meeting.