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Planning Agenda 5/17/2021
Call to order
Approval of 5/03/2021 Planning minutes
Old Business
Large scale plat for multi family on River view submitted by Calvin Tackett tabled from 5/03/2021 Planning meeting
New Business
Lot split for Tammy Plumlee on Van Brunt road
Meeting called to order by Chairman Troy Reed
Members present Troy reed, Preston Griffith, David Harrelson, Jamie Smith, Jerry Barnett, Courtney Tannehill McNair (Garver Engineering)
Jamie Smith made a motion to approve the 5/03/2021 Planning minutes, Second by Preston Griffith, all in favor
Old Business
Large Scale development for Calvin Tackett on Riverview drive presented, This item was tabled from previous meeting, Brief discussion with Courtney McNair who had reviewed project on cities behalf. David Harrelson made motion to approve, Jamie Smith second, all in favor.
New Business
- Lot split for Tammy Plumlee on Van Brunt road, 17.91 acres Parcel number 745-00435-000, Create 3 parcels Tract A 4.00 acres, Tract B 4.05 acres, leaving 9.86 Acres in original tract. Preston made a motion to approve, second by David Harrelson, all in favor.
- Discussion of Pest control solicitation permit, David Harrelson made motion to Table until June 7 th planning meeting, Preston Griffith second. All in favor
Lynn Francis discussed parks and trail system. Possibly having it overlayed with master street plan.
Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following Planning Commission meeting.