December 7, 2021 Planning minutes

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    Planning minutes 12/6/2021

    JD DeMotte Called meeting to order at 19:00 with 3 members present, Jerry Barnett, Bo Mabry, Jamie Smith

    Jerry Barnett made motion to approve minutes from 11/15/2021 Planning meeting, Bo Mabry 2nd, all in favor

    No Old Business  None

    New Business

    1) Lot split request taking 1.746 acres from parcel #745-010703-101 and adding it to parcel #745-01268-000, Bo Mabry made motion to approve, 2nd by Jamie Smith, all in favor.

    2) Lot Split for Carrie Rye split parcel #512-02424-000 to create 3 parcels

    Parcel #1  3.446 acres

    Parcel #2  3.019 acres

    Parcel #3   3.434 acres

    Committee of the whole discussed proposed emergency services impact fees to benefit the Elkins Police Department and the Elkins Fire Department. Jerry Barnett made recommendation to pass on to city council, 2nd by Bo Mabry, all in favor.

    Jamie Smith made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bo Mabry, all in favor.

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following meeting.