December 2020 City Council Meeting

  • Meeting of the : City Council
  • Related Year: 2020
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    A meeting of the Elkins City Council will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, December 17, 2020
    at the City of Elkins Community Center Building, 162 Doolin Dr. Elkins, AR 72727


    Social distancing rules apply, hand sanitizer will be available at the door.

    A) Call to Order

    B) Invocation

    C) Pledge of Allegiance

    D) Roll Call

    E) Approval of 11/19/2020 Meeting Minutes

    F) Department Reports

    G) Unfinished Business

    H) New Business

    A) Ordinance 12/17/2020-A Amending Ordinance No. 07-07-2008B
    B) Ordinance 12/17/2020-B Special Election
    C) Ordinance 12/17/2020-C Special Election
    D) Resolution 2020-14 Special Election

    I) Committee-of-the-Whole

    A) 2021 Budget
    B) Janet Mott

    J) Adjourn


    City of Elkins, Arkansas City Council Meeting

    TIME:7:00 p.m. December 17, 2020

    DATE: Elkins Community Center Building,

    PLACE: Elkins, Arkansas

    A) Present:
    Mayor Bruce Ledford, Council Member Jeff Plumlee, Council Member Lindsay Watt, Council Member Eric McGill, Council Member Matt Francis, Council Member Janet Mott, Council Member Chris Smiley, and City Attorney Tom Kieklak
    Mayor Bruce Ledford called a City Council Meeting of the City of Elkins at 7:00 p.m.

    B) Brian Watts led the invocation.
    C) Mr. Cope led the Pledge of Allegiance.
    D) City Clerk, Delia Foster, took roll: Council Member Lindsay Watt, Council Member Chris Smiley, Council Member Janet Mott, Council Member Eric McGill, Council Member Jeff Plumlee, and Council Member Matt Francis were present.
    E) Approval of Minutes:
    Approval of November 19, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes:
    Council Member Plumlee made a motion to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2020. Council Member Francis seconded the motion. Roll Call: (5/0) Motion Carried (Council Member McGill abstained)
    F) Department Reports:
    Chief De Mott – Fire Audra Bell – Library Chief Watts – Police Duane Foster – W&S
    E) Unfinished Business
    F) New Business
    Motion to Suspend the Rule:
    Council Member Smiley made a motion to suspend the rule. Council Member Watt seconded the motion. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried.

    a) Ordinance 12-17-2020 A: Amending Ordinance 07-07-2008 B
    Bond Counsel, Taylor Marshall with Friday, Eldredge & Clark, read Ordinance No. 12-17-2020 A by title only.
    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-17 2020 A. Council Member Plumlee seconded. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried

    b) Resolution 2020-14: Special Election
    Council Member Smiley made a motion to read Resolution 2020-14 in full. Council Member Watt seconded. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried
    Bond Counsel, Taylor Marshall with Friday, Eldredge & Clark, read Resolution 2020-14 in full.
    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-14. Council Member Plumlee seconded. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried
    Motion to Suspend the Rule:
    Council Member Smiley made a motion to suspend the rule. Council Member Francis seconded the motion. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried.

    c) Ordinance 12-17-2020 B: Special Election
    Bond Counsel, Taylor Marshall with Friday, Eldredge & Clark, read Ordinance No. 12-17-2020 B by title only.
    Council Member Smiley made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-17-2020 B. Council Member Francis seconded. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried
    Motion to Suspend the Rule:
    Council Member Plumlee made a motion to suspend the rule. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried.

    d)  Ordinance 12-17-2020 C: Special Election
    Bond Counsel, Taylor Marshall with Friday, Eldredge & Clark, read Ordinance No. 12-17-2020 C by title only.
    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-17 2020 C. Council Member Plumlee seconded. Roll Call: (6/0) Motion Carried

    I) Committee of the Whole:

    a)  Budget: Mayor Ledford informed the Council that they are waiting on Washington County to approve assistance for district court

    b) Janet Mott: Mayor Ledford thanked Ms. Mott for her hard work and service as a council member. The Police Department presented Ms. Mott with a plaque and thanked her for her work for Police Department.

    J) Adjourn – Council Member Mott made a motion to adjourn at 7:51 p.m. Council Member McGill seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.

    Correct Attest:
    Mayor Bruce Ledford
    City Clerk, Delia Foster

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following City Council meeting.