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Water & Sewer Meeting
March 9, 2023
7:00 p.m.
Call meeting to order
Reading of minutes February 9, 2023
Superintendents Report- Duane Foster
Water Office Report- Amanda Phillips
Old Business
Update on Sewer Project
Update on City of Fayetteville Water Contract
New Business
New Water Manager- Taylor Carroll
Water & Sewer Meeting
Water & Sewer Meeting
March 9, 2023
7:06 p.m.
Members present: Chairman Jim Cope
Members Absent: Esmeralda Marin
Terry Johnson
Staff present: Duane Foster Amanda Phillips
Taylor Carroll
Mayor-Elect Reed
Call meeting to order at 7pm by Chairman Cope
Reading/approval of minutes February 9, 2023
Chairman Cope asked for a motion to approve or amend the Minutes of the February 2023 meeting. Committee member Johnson moved to approve the Minutes as read. Second by Committee member Ashby minutes approved as read.
Superintendents Report- Duane Foster-
New meters were installed Carter, Smith Van Brunt
Updated on sewer project.
Brothers Construction won bid at 6,944,410
Average time to changeout a meter is 2-4 hours
Water Office Report- Amanda Phillips
37 shut-off list, 5 payment plans, 7 new auto pay customers
8 paperless billing
Water Operating account balance 39,279.36 still need to pay Cards, Fayetteville and Chambers accounts.
Spring Cleanup- April 21-22
City Yard Sale- April 14-16
- 5.
- 6.
Old Business
Update on sewer project- Approved recommendation to approve Brothers Construction. Approved Amendment 2 Task 8 for Garver Fees.
Update on City of Fayetteville Water Contract
New Business:
New Water Manager-Taylor Carroll
Appointed and Swore in New Members- Angel Ashby and David Stepp
Appointed Angel Ashby as Secretary
There being no further business, Chairman Cope adjourned the meeting at 7:52 pm.
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Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following Water & Sewer Committee meeting.