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6:00 pm Welcome & Call to Order
Roll Call
- Approval of October, November, January, and February minutes.
Old Business: 11-13-23
- Stephanie Cowan stepped down from the committee and Atticus Maher stepped in as chair.
- Possible opportunity to collaborate with Game and Fish on a canoe launch at Bunch Park.
- Identifying deadlines around Fun Grant application, what would funds get used for, and who are the representatives from the state that could meet and discuss in detail those requirements.
- Applying to become a Tree City of Arkansas
- Tree planting in collaboration with BWSA on March 8th to plant 200 trees in Bunch Park.
- Advertisement made for accepting applications for the Parks and Recreation Committee.
New Business
- New contact for the National Fitness Campaign
- The new park in the Stokenbury Farms (2.5 acres) how best does this space get utilized and should we apply for Fun Grant and National Fitness Campaign to fill the space.
- Stacy Plumlee has gotten quotes for redoing electrical work at bunch park but there is still a need to apply for a grant that could fund upwards of $10k to move forward with that work.
- Approval of new Parks Committee member Katherine Hall.
- Gathered contact information of committee and council members for group text and day of “roll calls”.
- Recommend to Mayor Reed the removal of Michael Cotton as Parks Committee member due to greater than (2) absences within a calendar year without due cause as put forward in Section 6 of the Parks and Recreation Committee Meetings Guidelines.