Parks Committee June 26

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    Parks & Recreation Committee for the City of Elkins, Arkansas

    06/26/23 | 6 pm | Location Elkins City Hall

    Committee Members

    Lynn Francis | Stephanie Cowan | Laura Murphy | Michael Cotton |Anna Drake, City Council member, Chris Smiley, City Council Member

    6:00 pm Welcome & Call to Order

    Roll Call & Introductions

    Approval of April 23 minutes

    Old Business 

    1. Discussion of Possible ADA Improvements to Bunch Park –
    1. Do we have a partner from EPS for inspections?
    2. Grants target > ADA equipment
    3. Footprint size, prep, installation and maintenance including budget discussion for plan
    1. 2023 Suggested Work Program and Opening Budget
    1. Concession stand follow-up
    1. Next steps?
    2. Budget needs for repairs?
    1.  Bench donation/tree donations – research update – Bench will be in design of potential grant 
    2.  Purchase of discussion – New grants data base available! This  is not needed at this time
    3. Water bottle filler/water fountain for park (priority item from survey) added to concession stand exterior? Will be a part of the design of the potential grant

    New Business

    1. Update on Beaver Watershed alliance grant
    1. Discuss grant outcomes
    2. Next steps > suggest to Council and BWSA will present to Council
    1. Possible Movie Night for 2023?
    1. Burlesworth film has been paid for – pd in 2022
    2. Dates?
    3. Planned outcomes


    Public Comment


    1. Next Meeting – July 17, 2023  at 6 pm at Elkins City Hall


    Elkins Park Committee Meeting

    Members Present: Chair Stephanie Cowan, Members Lynn Francis, Laura Murphy, Michael Cotton

    City Representatives Present: Mayor Troy Reed, Councilperson Anna Drake, Councilperson Chris Smiley


    The meeting was called to order at 6 pm.


    The committee tabled approving the April Minutes until the July meeting.


    Old Business:

    1. Discussion of ADA compliance/updates
      1. The committee and city government are in the process of trying to identify a partner to perform an audit. Members were to reach out to the Elkins School District, the Fayetteville School District, and Councilperson Drake had a contact from the state municipal meeting.
      2. The committee decided to postpone work on a new equipment grant until after the grant with Beaver WAtershed Alliance is completed.
    2. 2023 Suggested Work Program and Opening Budget
      1. The City Streets Department will be installing a French drain in front of the Bunch Park concession stand to address drainage. Timeline TBD based on Streets department employee availability.
      2. After researching bench and tree donations, the chair recommended not pursuing them at this time due to the complications that such a program could create. The committee may come back to bench donations following the completion of the Beaver Watershed Alliance grant, based on current needs.
      3. Committee members were made aware of a grants database available for use to identify possible funding sources.
      4. Water bottle filler/hydration station to be addressed in conjunction with Beaver Watershed alliance project.


    New Business:

    1. Update on Beaver Watershed Alliance Grant
      1. Grant presentation was made to Mayor Reed, Councilperson Drake, and Committee Chair Cowan. Presentation to be sent to rest of committee so that vote on the proposal can be made at the July meeting where the committee would provide input before sending it to City Council.
    2. Possible Movie Night for 2023
      1. Burleworth film Greater was paid for in 2022. The tentative date of Sept. 23 was proposed. Committee members to contact the Elkins school district about partnering on the event and the availability of possible food vendors.


    Lynn Francis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Michael Cotton seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 pm.

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following meeting.