City Council Special Meeting (PUD), September 12 2019

  • Meeting of the : City Council
  • Related Year: 2019
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    A special meeting of the Elkins City Council will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday,

    September 12, 2019 at the City of Elkins Administration Building.





    City of Elkins, Arkansas Special City Council Meeting

    TIME:             6:00 p.m.

    DATE:            September 12, 2019

    PLACE:          Elkins City Administration    Building, Elkins, Arkansas

    Present:         Mayor Bruce Ledford, Council Member     Lloyd Stith,  Council Member Lindsay Watt, Council Member Jeff Plumlee, Council Member Matt Francis, Council Member Janet Mott and City Attorney Tom Kieklak


    1.           Mayor Bruce Ledford called a Special City Council Meeting of the City of Elkins at 6:00 p.m.

    2.           City Clerk, Delia Foster, took roll: Council Member Lindsay Watt, Council Member Lloyd Stith, Council Member Jeff Plumlee, Council Member Janet Mott, and Council Member Matt Francis were present. Council Member Eric McGill was absent.

    3.           Motion to Suspend the Rule:

    Council Member Stith made a motion to suspend the rule. Council Member Plumlee seconded the motion. Roll Call: (5/0) Motion Carried

      Ordinance No. 9-12-19 – PUD/Rezoning – Rausch Coleman Homes -1032 N. Center:

    City Attorney, Tom Kieklak, read Ordinance No. 9-12-19 by title only.

    Juliet Richey with Garver Engineering gave a presentation and presented the plans to the Council.

    Public comments were made by:

    Barbara King Mr. Couch

    Chris Smiley (Planning Committee)

    Preston Griffith (Planning Committee)

    Council Member Stith made a motion to approve Ordinance 9-12-19 with the condition that the POA maintenance areas are defined in PUD document. Council Member Plumlee seconded the motion. Roll Call: (5/0) Motion Carried


    4.           Adjourn – Council Member Plumlee made a motion to adjourn at 7:06 p.m.

    A voice vote was called for and all voted “aye”, the issue passed unanimously.







    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following City Council meeting.