City Council October 2021 Meeting

  • Meeting of the : City Council
  • Related Year: 2021
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    A meeting of the Elkins City Council will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday October 21, 2021 at Elkins City Hall, 1874 Stokenbury Rd. Elkins, AR 72727 


    A) Call to Order 

    B) Invocation 

    C) Pledge of Allegiance 

    D) Roll Call 

    E) Approval of 09/16/21 Meeting Minutes 

    F) Department Reports 

    G) Unfinished Business 

    A) Noise Ordinance

    B) Water Contract 

    H) New Business 

    A) Resolution 202111 Authorizing Real & Personal Property

    B) Parks Committee Renewal Lynn Francis & Stephanie Cowan

    C) NWA Job Focus

    D) Retired Fireman Pension Fund Discussion 

    I) Committee-of-the-Whole 

    A) 3rd Qtr. Budget Information

    B) 2022 Budget Worksheets for review 

    J) Adjourn 


    City of Elkins, Arkansas City Council Meeting 


    7:00 p.m. October 21, 2021 Elkins City Hall, Elkins, Arkansas 


    Mayor Bruce Ledford, Council Member Eric McGill, Council Member Matt Francis, Council Member Chris Smiley, Council Member Lindsay Watt, and City Attorney Tom Kieklak 

    Mayor Bruce Ledford called a City Council Meeting of the City of Elkins at 7:00 p.m

    J.D. DeMott led the invocation

    Chief Bryan Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance

    City Clerk, Delia Foster, took roll: Council Member Chris Smiley, Council Member Eric McGill, Council Member Lindsay Watt, and Council Member Matt Francis were present. Council Member Jeff Plumlee and Council Member Mary Cope were absent

    Approval of Minutes: 

    Approval of September 16, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes:

    Council Member Watt made a motion to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of September 16, 2021. Council Member Smiley seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and all voted aye, the issue passed unanimously

    Department Reports

    Alexis Ward Courts Chief J.D. DeMott Fire Audra Bell Library Chief Bryan Watts Police Duane Foster W&S Gayla Stahman Admin 

    Troy Reed Planning Commission 

    Unfinished Business 

    ANoise Ordinance: 

    Council Member Francis made a motion to begin including specific times construction noise is allowed on the permit. Council Member Smiley seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and all voted “aye, the issue passed unanimously. 

    B) Water Purchase Agreement with City of Fayetteville: 

    Council Member Francis made a motion to authorize Mayor to execute the water purchase agreement contract with the City of Fayetteville when prepared. Council Member Smiley seconded

    A voice vote was called and all voted aye, the issue passed unanimously

    New Business 

    AResolution 202111 Authorizing the Rate of Property Tax for the City of Elkins, Arkansas for the Year 2021 to be collected in 2022

    Council Member Watt made a motion to approve Resolution 202111. Council Member Smiley seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and all voted aye, the issue passed unanimously

    B) Approval of Planning Committee ReAppointment of Lynn Francis and Stephanie Cowan: 

    Council Member Watt made a motion to approve the reappointment of Lynn Francis and Stephanie Cowan to the Planning Committee. Council Member McGill seconded. A voice vote was called and all voted aye“, the issue passed unanimously

    C) NWA Job Focus

    Mayor Ledford presented information to the Council regarding the NWA Job Focus which is a plan to attract medical factories to our city. The City would be required to provide a financial buyin and pledge to obtain control of at least 5 acres of “build readyland for use

    D) Ordinance 10212021 Transferring Administration of Retirement Coverage for Eligible Members of the Elkins Fire Relief and Pension Fund to the Arkansas LOPFI and Authorizing Chief Administrative Officer to Enter into an Irrevocable Agreement with LOPFI: 

    Motion to Suspend the Rule

    Council Member Smiley made a motion to suspend the rule and read Ordinance 10212021 by title only. Council Member Watt seconded the motion. Roll Call: 4/0 Motion Carried 

    City Attorney, Tom Kieklak, read Ordinance No. 10212021 by title only

    Council Member Watt made a motion to approve Ordinance 10212021. Council Member Smiley seconded. Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried 

    Council Member Francis made a motion to approve the emergency clause of Ordinance 10212021, Council Member Watt seconded the motion, Roll Call: (4/0) Motion Carried 

    Committee of the Whole

    A) 3rd Quarter Budget Information provided to Council for review. A 2022 Budget workshop will be scheduled

    BNotice of Vacation of Easement no longer usable to City. 25° water/sewer right of way vacation, An Ordinance will be presented at the November 2021 council meeting. (Exhibit Attached to minutes) 

    BiAnnual book sale will be held at the Community Center on October 28, 2021, 10AM6PM. The Book Bash will be held October 30, 2021, from 8AM 2PM


    Council Member Francis made a motion to adjourn at 7:47 p.m. Council Member Watt seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and all voted aye”, the issue passed unanimously


    Mayor Bruce Ledford 


    City Clerk, Delia Foster 

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following City Council meeting.