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A meeting of the Elkins City Council will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday February 15, 2024
at Elkins City Hall, 1874 Stokenbury Rd. Elkins, AR 72727
A) Call to Order
B) Invocation
C) Pledge of Allegiance
D) Roll Call
E) Approval of 1/18/2024 Meeting Minutes
F) Committee-of-the-Whole
A) Discussion of CARDS Trash Service
G) Department Reports
H) Unfinished Business
A) None
I) New Business
A) Resolution 2024-2 Amend 2023 Budget
B) Resolution 2024-3 Ratify and Approve the Mayors Execution of the Arkansas Division of Environmental Equality Consent Administrative Order
C) Resolution 2024-4 Set Forth Meeting Rules of the City Council
D) Resolution 2024-5 Add Amanda Reed to Court Automation and District Court Accounts
E) Ordinance 2024-1 Amend Section 7.52.04 “Public Places”
F) Approve Invoice to Repair Miller’s Meadow Lift Station Control Panel
G) Approve Invoice to Repair Eastside Lift Station Control Panel
H) Resolution 2024-6 Approve Increase in Mayor’s Spending Allowance
I) Approve Fire Station Garage Doors Bids
J) Committee Reports
K) State of The City Address
L) Adjourn