Board of Trustees Meeting Friday, November 13, 2020

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    ELKINS PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
    Friday, November 13, 2020

    I. Call to Order

    II. Approval of Minutes

    III. EPL Reports

    A. Statistics
    B. Financials

    IV. Old Business

    A.Building Refinancing
    B.Limited Reopening
    C. Budget

    V. New Business

    A. Meeting Room

    VI. Announcements
    VII. Next Meeting Date
    VIII, Adjournment


    ELKINS PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
    Friday, November 13, 2020

    I. The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm by Board President Eve Owens. Also present were members Kathie Battenfield, Jacque Faubus, David Harrelson, Mary Jo Smith, and Paulette Tate. Due to COVID-19, this meeting was conducted on Zoom,
    II. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on October 13, 2020 were approved – Motion to approve by MaryJo Smith and seconded by David Harrelson, approved unanimously.
    III. EPL Reports
    A. Statistics: Library statistics through October were discussed. Virtual programs – more shares means more views.
    B. Financials: Library financials through October were discussed briefly.
    IV. Old Business
    A.Building Refinancing: We still don’t have the paperwork. We need it by the end of next week.
    B.Limited Reopening: Some libraries are closing down. There was a motion by David Harrelson that we remain closed except for curbside service for now, and revisit later. The motion was seconded by Kathie Battenfield, and passed unanimously.
    C. Budget: Audra and Eve met with the mayor last week regarding the budget. The County is not happy about the City not funding the Library. The County can choose to drop us from the interlocal agreement if the City does not provide some funding. It was decided we would request $13,000-$15,000 from the City. Motion made by Mary Jo Smith and seconded by Jacque Faubus; passed unanimously.
    V. New Business
    A. Linda Stith Request for Meeting Room Use: We will remain closed. Maybe the book club could do a Zoom meeting.
    VI..Announcements: Robotics is moving to online.
    VII.Next Meeting Date: Date will be set after budget is submitted.
    VIII, Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 4:10 by David Harrelson, seconded by Mary Jo Smith, and approved unanimously.

    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following Library Board of Trustees meeting.