Volunteers, books needed for Spring Book Sale

graphic that describes the book sale. Details of the sale are in the text of the article.

Friends of Elkins Public Library and the EPL Board of Directors are working together to host the Spring Book Sale, which is scheduled for May 4-6 at the Elkins Community Center. Here are two ways you can help.


There are a several volunteer opportunities before, during, and after the sale. We will need people to:

  • Sort books into genres before the sale
  • Helping transport books from the library to the community center before the sale
  • Setting up the tables before the sale
  • Working the sale (multiple shifts available over the three days)
  • Helping tear down after the sale.


Donate book/movies

Doing some spring cleaning? Have gently used books or DVDs that you don’t need anymore? We are collecting books for the Spring Book Sale, which is May 4-6. Please bring your donations to the library during our regular business hours. We cannot accept encyclopedias or text books. All book sales benefit Friends of the Elkins Public Library, which donates funds for the library’s programs.

To volunteer or to learn more about the sale, please contact Jeff English at English_Jeff@hotmail.com, or Eve Owens at emowens@gmail.com or call her at 479.445.9262.