Help Keep Elkins Firewise

The Elkins Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD) has done significant work over the last few years to have Elkins recognized as a Firewise Community, which makes Elkins a safer place and also makes our fire department eligible for additional funding from the Arkansas Department of Forestry. To keep that designation, the fire department needs your help! If you are planning to burn downed tree limbs or dead pine needles, or to remove overgrown shrubs from around your house, these activities can help Elkins to keep its FireWise status, but only if the EVFD knows about it! Please make sure to follow the Arkansas Fire Prevention Codes available here


Before doing these types of improvements, if you can notify the EVFD, it will help them with their yearly FireWise application. It can be as simple as taking before and after pictures of your home improvement projects or yard work. If you would like more information about what you can do to improve your own property’s protection against wildfire, you can visit the Arkansas Department of Forestry’s FireWise website or contact the EVFD.


Additional Resources from the Arkansas Department of Forestry:

FireWise FAQ

Ready, Set, Go Kids Coloring Book