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Ordinance #: 10-07-2010A
An Ordinance deannexing lands of Virginia Gardner annexed by Ordinance 10-18-2007A.
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 10-18-2007A annexed certain described lands belonging to Virginia Gardner and others.
WHEREAS, Virginia Gardner has requested deannexation of her land pursuant to ACA § 14-40-608.
WHEREAS, it appears that the Gardner land still forms the boundary of the City of Elkins, that no municipal utility services have been provided to the Gardner land and that less than three (3) years have passed since the annexation.
Section 1: That the following described lands, among others, were annexed to the City ofElkins, AR, by Ordinance No. 10-18-2007A, to-wit: A part of the Southeast Quarter (SE ‘l4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE ‘l4) of Section Two (2), in Township Fifteen (15) North, Range Twenty Nine (29) West, described as follows, To-Wit: Beginning at a point which is 660 feet South and 185.2 feet West ofthe Northeast comer of said 40 acre tract, and running thence S00°40’ 44″E along an existing fence 165.0 feet, thence West 146.76 feet, thence North 165.0 feet, thence East 144.8 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.55 acres, more or less.
Section 2: That the lands described in Section 1 above are hereby deannexed from the City of Elkins and are hereafter detached from the City of Elkins pursuant to ACA § 14-40- 608 at the request of Virginia Gardner.
PASSED and approved this 21st day of October, 2010.