Parks Committee 8/19/2024

  • Meeting of the : Parks Committee
  • Related Year: 2024
    Back to All Meetings


    Parks Committee Agenda
    Approval of July minutes
    Old Business: 07-15-24
     Review Park Committee Guidelines
    o Amend any rules that may need to be updated, such as restrictions on members
    having to live within the proper city limits of Elkins.

     Determine what additional information that the Committee can gather for the Fun Grant

    New Business
     Mitchell Wayman officially approved as new Parks Committee member at City
    Council on 07/18/2024
     The City Council voted to amend Ordinance 6-20-2019A of the Parks Committee
    guidelines to allow members of the community outside of the city limits to apply for a
    committee position.
     Further investigate what the committee can do for a possible Veterans Day event
     Further investigate what the committee can do for a possible Christmas Parade
     Search for new Parks Committee Chair


    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following Parks Committee meeting.