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Elkins Planning Agenda 1/16/2023
Call to order
Appointment of Chairman
Appointment of committee member
Approval of 11/21/2023 Planning minutes
Old Business
New Business
- Public hearing for request to rezone Parcel #745-00421-000 11.49 acres from A-1 to R-6
- Motion to approve/deny rezoning request
- Public hearing for request to rezone 3 parcels
#745-00172-000 2.27 acres from A-1 to R-6
#745-00172-100 5.42 acres from A-1 to R-6
#001-05986-000 11.85 from A-1 to R-6
- Motion to approve/deny rezoning request
Elkins Planning minutes 1/16/2023
Meeting call to order BY Troy Reed
Mayor Troy Reed appointed and swore in David Harrelson as Planning Chairman
Mayor Troy Reed appointed and swore in Mark Barnett as Planning member
Jeff Brenaman made a motion to approve the Planning minutes from 11/21/2022, Bo Mabry second, All in favor
- Public Hearing to hear rezoning request to Parcel #745-00421-000 from A-1 to R-6. Multiple citizens spoke, The property owner spoke. Jeff Brenaman made motion to deny rezoning request, Jamie Smith Second, All in favor of denying request.
- Public Hearing to hear rezoning request to rezone Parcel #745-00172-000, #745-00172-100, #001-05986-000, Multiple citizens spoke, Property owner spoke. Jeff Brenaman made motion to deny rezoning request, Mark Barnett second, All in favor of denying request.
Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following Planning Commission meeting.