City Council May 30 2024

  • Meeting of the : City Council
  • Related Year: 2024
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    A meeting of the Elkins City Council will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday May 30, 2024 

    at Elkins City Hall, 1874 Stokenbury Rd. Elkins, AR 72727 


    A) Call to Order 

    B) Invocation 

    C) Pledge of Allegiance 

    D) Roll Call 

    E) Approval of 4/18/2024 Meeting Minutes 

    F) CommitteeoftheWhole 

    1. Community Economic Development Survey Discussion
    2. Presentation by Economic Development Institute 

    G) Department Reports 

    H) Unfinished Business 

    I) New Business 

    1. Ordinance 2024-3 Adopting by Reference the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, 2021 Edition or most current edition; Repealing Code Provisions in Conflict
    2. Ordinance 2024-4 Amend Section 4.1: Police Department of the Personnel Handbook
    3. Resolution 2024-8 Expressing the Support for and Intent to Participate in the Drug Task Force Cooperative Program
    4. Resolution 2024-9 Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement for the Professional Service of Rightof Way Acquisition and Administration Services with Visionary Milestones for Gravity Sewer Project

    J) Committee Reports 

    K) Adjourn 


    Note: Meeting minutes are posted after approval at following City Council meeting.