City asks customers in Elkins, East Fayetteville, Goshen to conserve water

Due to dry conditions and extreme heat, the City of Fayetteville’s water system is experiencing increased demand. As our system is supplied by Fayetteville, we ask that you please conserve water by eliminating or reducing non-essential water usage. This includes watering lawns and filling swimming pools. Please begin conserving water immediately.

The full text of the Fayetteville Press Release is available here:

July 15, 2022  Contact: Tim Nyander Utilities Director Utilities Department 479-575-8390  City asks customers in East Fayetteville, Goshen to conserve water  FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.— The City of Fayetteville Utilities Department is asking residential and commercial customers in East Fayetteville and Goshen to adjust water usage. Due to dry conditions and extreme heat, the City’s water system is experiencing increased demand, resulting in reduced water pressure for some customers.  The affected area is east of N. Crossover Road, particularly in areas off Highway 45 (E. Mission Blvd.) and Highway 16 (E. Huntsville Road). Officials are asking customers to practice water conservation especially during high-demand morning and evening hours, when people are getting ready for work and returning home, to assist those customers with low pressure.  The City is asking both residential and commercial customers in the affected area to adjust irrigation (landscape sprinkler/watering) schedules to occur between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. With hot summer temperatures and heavy demand for irrigation, usage in east Fayetteville and Goshen is high, and parts of the water system are being pushed to its limit.  City officials believe adjusting morning irrigation schedules to night time will assist in allowing the water system to recover.   To report a possible water leak, please call the City of Fayetteville at 479-575-8386 from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or call 479-587-3555 after hours.   For more information or questions, call Water and Sewer at 479-575-8386.