ORDINANCE 12-06-2007A – Recorder/Treasurer Position

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Related Area: | Administration | | Personnel |
Related Elkins Municipal Code (EMC): | Chapter 2.28 | | Section 2.28.02 | | Section 2.28.03 | | Title 02 |
Related Year:2007 |

Ordinance #: 12-06-2007A


WHEREAS, several questions have arisen concerning the duties and compensation of the Recorder-Treasurer.

WHEREAS, the position of the Recorder-Treasurer is critical to the proper administration and function of City government.


Section 1: That Section 2.28.02 Compensation of the Elkins’ Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

“The office Recorder-Treasurer is designated a part-time, paid office with an annual salary of $2500. to be paid in installments every two weeks or as otherwise determined by the City Council.

The Recorder-Treasurer’s annual salary may be reviewed periodically by the City Council and may be changed by ordinance, resolution or adoption (amendment) of the City budget pursuant to Arkansas law.”

Section 2: That section 2.28.03 Duties of the Elkins’ Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

A. The Elkins’ Recorder-Treasurer shall:

1. be responsible for maintaining all the laws, ordinances, resolutions and official records and documents of the city and its actions;

2. be responsible for maintaining a regular and correct journal of the proceedings of the City Council;

3. be responsible for submitting, at least quarterly, a full report and detailed statement of the financial condition of the City, showing receipts, disbursements 

and the balance on hand, together with all liabilities of the City; this report shall be submitted to the City Council in open session;

4. serve as assistant Mayor;

5. be authorized and empowered to perform the functions of a magistrate during the disability or absence of the Mayor with all the power and jurisdiction of said Mayor to all intents and purposes whatever;

6. be responsible for the official seal of the City and certification of City records and


7. countersign checks on municipal bahk accounts Cn addition to others prescribed
by ordinance or resolution of the Council);


8. sign all bonds and debentures of the City;

9. in the absence of the District Judge administer oaths of office;

10. be responsible for receiving, filing and maintaining (as required by law) the Code

of Ethics statements from elected (appointed) city officials including the Mayor, Council persons, Recorder/Treasurer, City Attorney, and District Judge;

11. designate a deputy who is empowered to act in the absence or incapacity of the

Recorder/Treasurer (unless the Council shall have declared a vacancy in the office of Recorder, no deputy Recorder/Treasurer may be designated);

12. such other different or additional duties as may be enacted by an amendment to

the Constitution or legislative acts;

13. be responsible for maintaining regular and correct journal of the proceedings of

the Fireman’s Pension Board;

14. be responsible for preparation and maintenance of complete and correct minutes

of all meetings of the City Council and Fireman’s Pension Board, and distribute those to members of the Council, the Board, the Mayor and the press/media as appropriate;

15. be responsible for preparation and distribution of copies of the Council meeting

agenda to Council members, Mayor and press/media;

16. be responsible for recordation of ordinances or documents as required, at

Washington County Courthouse;

17. be responsible for investment of monetary reserves of the city;

18. be responsible for preparation of and publication of all official notices for bids,

public hearings, ordinances, elections (call/results), proclamations, etc.;

19.  be responsible for preparation and publication of required city financial reports;

20. be responsible to prepare and present to the City Council (periodically, as

required by the City Council) reports showing actual receipts and expenditures compared to budgeted receipts and expenditures in order to promote sound fiscal control;

21 be responsible for preparation and distribution to City Department Heads annual

budget request forms;

22 be responsible for accurate and timely issuance of City payroll; and,

23. be responsible for accurate and timely payment of statements, bills and invoices.

B. Pursuant to A.C.A § 14-42-107 nothing herein shall be construed to intermingle duties, responsibilities, salary, wages or benefits of a person who may, while holding the elective office of Recorder-Treasurer, also serve as an employee of the City.”

Section 3: In order to promptly fill the office of Recrrder-Treasurer and maintain accurate and complete fiscal control of City finances an emergency is hereby declared and in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of December, 2007.

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